Friday, May 26, 2017

Multifun Smart Scale

This Multifun Smart Scale is the weight loss motivation master!

This Multifun Smart Scale is awesome! It comes complete with batteries and everything you need to get started. Pop the batteries in, download the app, and input your information and jump on the scale… no need for anything else, it’s Bluetooth! You don’t even need to have your device with you, it will automatically sync on its own.

Then…. Oh Then, it tells you the ugly truth… I really do not like the information that I see on the app. but I need to see it... and there lies the weight loss motivation… This scale truly makes you want to change your eating habits and really gets you motivated to get up and move...

I also love that this Multifun Smart Scale allows you to set up different users on the app for the whole family, and it knows who is who and add the right information to the right user.

I’m really happy that I got this Multifun Smart Scale, definitely worth every penny, and I’m really looking forward to watching my numbers go down.

#SmartScale #WeightLossMotivation #Bluetooth

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